Are You Undercharging?

I just got off of a call with another amazing holistic entrepreneur and she had all of these amazing gifts and talents but she was charging barely anything for her services and often discounted or spent more time with them.  She always felt guilty asking for the money.  This is the exact situation I see over and over again with folks undercharging and over-giving. 

After our call she was able to create an offer that she could charge double her current rate without working a minute longer and without the guilt!

So why is this so prevalent in the wellness community?

Wait for it....

Because you care about your client. But the thing is, when you aren't charging enough you are likely going to go out of business, not be able to pay for your living expenses, your stress levels will rise and you will be in no position to help people in the long term.  So what really happens to the client when you ask for the money??

People pay! You are able to afford your life! Your clients are able to show gratitude for your work! Money is just another form of energy. So here's the thing, do you want to feel good about being in service and make a good living or would you rather feel poor, guilty, and resentful?  You are not a charity or a non-profit and the reality is, how long are you willing to wait to "make it"?

Let me tell you a have an obligation to make a good living and NOT go out of business. When you are successful you can help more people and live a good life.  It's the yin and yang balance, yin is to receive and yang is to do the work.  You cannot have one without the other and they are interdependent.  Now take a moment the next time you are asking for payment and receive that yin nourishing energy:)

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How to Attract Your Ideal Client for FREE...

So many times we hear that you must have a client attraction and retention system in place so you can build your list and create a faucet of clients.  Now what I am going to tell you might be against everything you have ever heard but YOU DON'T NEED A FUNNEL.  Ok so you might be thinking but everyone says I do and I hear you! There are so many people out there that are promoting funnels and client attraction systems and what have you because the internet is filled with entrepreneurs and especially marketers.

Now I have nothing against funnels and I do have one myself...BUT it isn't the only way to attract a steady stream of ideal clients. I am going to show you my super savvy acumethod for attracting clients with zero money!

1. Get your head on straight! Self care routines and creating healthy rhythms and rituals in your life with help you stand behind what you are peddling and help you attract folks who want that too!. You cannot serve from an empty cup

2. Develop a ritual of having a vision for what you want and stop focusing on what the problems are and start focusing on solutions. You will not get anywhere in your business if you constantly focus on what is not working.

3 .You cannot attract anyone if you don't know who you are and how you can help.  You must be able to communicate with potential clients and really listen and figure out if they have a need you can help them with.  There are potential clients everywhere!!! Talk to people and see where they are struggling and ask them if they would like help with that. It is a simple non-salesy way to invite folks into a FREE consultation.

We are always here to help! 

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